Granblue Fantasy is one of Japan’s biggest mobiles games and its the next series in line to get the fighting game treatment from Arcsystem Works. Despite the mobile game not officially being available in the West with players having to jump through some hoops to play it in English. Arcsystem Works is still committed to bringing Granblue Fantasy Versus to the West with its closed online beta being playable throughout May 31st and June 1st. As a casual GBF player, I can confidently say that GBFV is not only an absolute treat for fans of the mobile game but also an extremely solid game on its own that fighting game fans should look out for. Check out some matches from the closed beta. New Gallery 2019/5/31 Lance vs Ferry bitrate 6504 kb/s height 720 duration 00:03:57.62 fps 29.97 width 1280 originaldate 2019-05-31T17:26:07.000000Z Gran vs Ferry bitrate 6463 kb/s height 720 duration 00:02:21.57 fps 29.97 width 1280 originaldate 2019-05-31T12:47:50...