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Showing posts from April, 2019

Experiencing Dragon Ball Z For The First Time in 2019

Dragon Ball is one of those series that feels like everyone under the sun has experienced or at least has heard of. Even my grandmother can at least recognize Goku as the guy in the orange karate gi with the spiky, golden hair. However, my experience with the series is a unique one as unlike seemingly every other person my age who enjoys anime, I didn’t grow up with Dragon Ball. I was the prime target audience for Dragon Ball as a child. Not only did I play video games and enjoy action-orientated shows like Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and Avatar: The Last Airbender but I also took mixed martial arts classes for a large portion of my life as well. However, for some reason, I never tried giving the show a shot. It may have been due to my parents thinking it was too violent for me at the time or a general lack of interest at the time but regardless of the reason, I never sat down and tried watching it. As I got older and became more into anime, I started to realize